Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Creeping and Crawling

Gus is much happier now that he can get around on his own. He's been scooting himself backwards across the room for a couple of months, but backwards didn't always get Gus where he wanted to go. Now he can see something and actually go towards it. The other day he was so excited about something that John had that he took off like a rocket to go get it. That lasted all of 2 seconds before he fell flat on his face. He is still slow going, but going nonetheless. His crawl is rather funny; he more hobbles than crawls. It is very hard to describe so I've included a video for you to enjoy.

Getting strong arm muscles.

He is now a happier Gus.

It's all down hill for John now, as Gus can reach the toy shelf.

You can't really tell from this angle, but Gus is actually pulling himself up.

He's so happy with himself.


Heather said...

So cute!!!! Gus does look very pleased with himself. What does John think of his mobile little brother?

Unknown said...

John doesn't seem to mind so much right now. Gus plays with his trains and it is OK with John because it doesn't matter to Gus what train he is playing with...for now.