Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More Putt-Putt

After my Mom smoked Hans in the last round of Putt-Putt, Hans had to have a rematch.

 Gus actually played a few holes this time instead of complaining.  And by play a few holes I mean he would set the ball right next to the hole and tap it in.

 Anders decided that was the way to go.

 I don't have any pictures of the good ol' healthy competition between Hans and my mom.  But Hans did manage to hit a ball out of the course and into the parking lot.  So how do you think it went?

 My little golfers.

To show he doesn't hold a grudge Hans allowed my mom to go with us to the drive-in later that evening.  I actually think this was a sly way for Hans to get back at her since she had to sit through Smurfs 2.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

It was more like "slow and steady wins the race". And, the only thing that made "Smurfs 2" palatable was cuddling with my grandsons. That makes any movie OK --it even worked for "Thomas and the Magic Railroad," all 13 times!