Friday, August 12, 2011

Comfortable Anywhere

While Eva and Machara were visiting, all of the kids spent a lot of time in the playroom.  There was a lot of yelling, laughing, screaming, crying, hitting, hugging, bossing and playing.  The four older kids just wore themselves out.  At one point in time I opened the door because I couldn't hear anything.  That is never a good sign.  At the bottom of the stairs I saw Machara.

She must have been too tired to make it up the stairs.  She slept like this for at least an hour.

Gus must have thought Machara had a good idea.  A couple of days later it was again too quiet and this is what I found...

This doesn't look comfortable to me.  I tried laying on a stair (no, no pictures of that) and it was horrible.  It must have been somewhat comfortable because both kids slept there for a long while.

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