Thursday, September 30, 2010

Big Baby on Board

I can't seem to get away with having a small baby.  John was born about 2 1/2 weeks early at 8 lbs 5 oz and Gus came into the world a week early weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 12 oz.  I had high hopes for this baby as I haven't gained that much weight and up until about 3 weeks ago I was measuring right on track.  Seriously, I was ecstatic about the possibility of holding a little bundle of joy.  However, it just isn't meant to be.  I had a sonogram today to determine the baby's size since I've been measuring about 4 weeks ahead and my "little" bundle of joy is already 8 lbs 7 oz.  I know sonograms can be off, but the wonderful sonogram tech at my doctors office is hardly ever off and if she is it is only by a few ounces.  Aside from the weight, his/her head is measuring at 40 weeks 2 days.  I keep telling this baby that he/she can come anytime and to please not make me wait too much longer.

1 comment:

Heather said... excited for you and can't wait to hear if it's pink or blue! Precious picture! Try to rest and take it easy. I know these last few weeks can take their toll on you. Hang in there and I'm saying my prayers for a speedy and safe delivery!