Friday, July 15, 2011

Pretzel Time

It rained quite a bit when Eva and Machara were here, so we didn't get to do most of the outside things I had planned.  Luckily the kids seemed pretty content playing around the house.  I wanted to do something fun, so I decided to make soft pretzels.

 All ready to begin adding the ingredients.  Don't worry.  Hands were washed.

After all the fun of measuring and stiring it was time to wait.  Waiting is hard.

 After the waiting came the rolling.  They made lots of snakes.

 Some rolled the dough more than others.
Just so you know, if you ever make soft pretzels the more you roll the dough the worse the pretzels taste.

This was my contribution.  These actually tasted like pretzels.

John and Eva were excited about their letters.  Can you tell?  Someday I will be more interesting than Yo Gabba Gabba.

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