Wednesday, December 24, 2008

GREAT with child

OK, so I've been horrible about posting things so you will get a few weeks worth of posts today. My pregnancy is still going well. I'm very tired but that could also be because I'm working three mornings a week at a preschool and running around after a two year old. I look forward to the time when I can sleep in until 8 without a cute little boy saying "Wake up Mommy" as he is poking me in the eye.

24 make-up and all you guys get the real me!

26 weeks

If I'm lucky and the baby keeps growing as fast as he/she has been, we could have a new addition to our family in as early as 10 weeks!

1 comment:

Heather said...

You look great!! Have a wonderful Christmas...and just think, next Christmas you will have 2 little ones!!
