Monday, June 22, 2015

Gus Lost a Tooth

Gus has been dying to lose a tooth.  I've been dying too because he has to lose his bottom two teeth before the adult ones come in or we have to have the baby teeth pulled.  So I was just as excited as he was when the bottom tooth became a little wiggly.

This thing was hanging by a thread and driving me bananas.

 I mean, seriously!!  There were so many times I wanted to just give it a little pull.

But I let him do it himself.  He was super happy.  He immediately got a straw and stuck it in the new open space to drink.

And thankfully the other one is now loose.  Yay for not having to have teeth pulled!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Declan's Baptism

A little over two months ago one of my good friends had a sweet baby boy named Declan.  My boys were very excited to meet Declan.  About a week after Stephanie gave birth she invited us over for dinner.  I know, I already told her she was nuts!!!

 Look at this cutie.  He looks exactly like his older brother.

 All three of the boys were begging to hold him.  And Stephanie is super trusting because she actually let all three of them hold her 1 week old baby.

 I promise you Gus was excited to hold him.

 Declan's oldest brother, Logan, is Gus' best friend.  

A couple of weeks after Declan was born he was baptized.

 And sweet little Declan actually shares a baptismal birthday with his dad.

 It was simply a wonderful day.
Look at this handsome family.
 Colton makes this picture the best one of the bunch.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Gus has been playing soccer this spring.  He has wanted to play for about a year.  Grandma and Grandpa Fiene came down to watch one of his games.

 Gus' ball is the one with green on it.  He likes to set it there and back way up and run in to kick it.  

 Now if only the ball could be that unguarded during the game.

 At one point early on in the game Gus had the ball and had a good lead on everyone.  But look at those feet, can you tell what is coming next?

 Yep.  He wasn't happy, but it gets worse...

 Poor Gus.  This happens a lot in this game.

 After the little tumble, Gus wanted to take it easy.  As long as the action was on the other end of the field, this is what Gus was doing.  Just like his dad right there.

Anders was getting a little restless so Grandpa took him on an adventure around the park.

 But when the ball was in his area he played very well.  I was impressed.

Just a few minutes after this picture one of the kids kicked the ball really hard and the ball hit Gus right in the face.  It was loud.  It had to hurt.  So he was removed from the game to take a break.  After he spent some time on the bench the coach asked him to play again.

 Gus willingly went back in the game, but he sat there like this for a few minutes.
Gus and his lip.

 After the game the boys each got to take a ride in Grandpa's Grandma's new car.