The boys got to visit Grandma's art room. This is something they look forward to every time we step foot in Texas. I'm not sure how they will manage when my mom retires and that becomes someone else's art room.
They started with some clay. They had to roll the clay and coil it to make little bowls.
Anders looks like he had a good time putting holes in his clay.
John did his bowl all by himself.
Gus had fun making snakes.
After they assembled their bowls they got to paint. Grandma is a whole lot nicer than Mom. She gives them each their own paint and other supplies. I generally host a free for all. This is much better.
Anders abandoned the painting before his brothers did so he could play with the blocks.
As if clay and paint weren't enough they also got to make a fun rock/clay creation with the hunks of left over clay.
Then they went home and had blueberry pancakes and bacon. At this point I'm sure they were hoping I would never come home.