When searching online for details about the event for this post, I stumbled across this photo.
At least I know I'm not the only one that can't get the kids to look and smile at the same time.
The first stop at Touch A Truck was the hair painting booth. The boys thought it was cool.
Gus looks a tad nervous.
They had a good time decorating Anders' hair.
Then the boys got their face painted. By a clown.
John went first, which I expect was planned. Unless Gus knows what is going to happen, he will not be the first to try something when other people are involved.
John showing his tiger face, doing the tiger growl.
Gus decided it was worth a try. I am very surprised by this. I'm not only surprised he tried it, I'm also surprised he actually let the clown continue to paint his whole face.
Anders was a little more hesitant.
Here is a good shot of his snake.
I sometimes wonder what Anders is thinking.
I'm pretty sure these boys are on the wrong side of the gate.
Now for the actual truck touching part...
Does Gus look happy to you? I wonder if he screamed after taking this picture.
There was a UPS truck there with boxes in the back. The kids could organize and pretend to deliver boxes. John thought this was a hoot. The boys were also given UPS hot wheels with flames painted on the side just like this truck.
Hopefully these trucks were adequately prepared for little hands to touch every little button.
There was some kind of jump rope contest. The boys also got jump ropes to take home. I wasn't there, but I can already tell you we need to work on our jump roping skills.
This would have been Hans's favorite truck. This is the Oberweis truck. I'm sure Hans would have scoured the truck for ice cream.
The kids got to blow the horn on this truck. I asked John of it was cool and he just told me it was loud.
The Illinois State Police were there with this truck the turned upside down to show what would happen to someone who wasn't wearing his seat belt. John was fascinated by this and asked to be shown a couple of times.
I'm sure Anders wouldn't mind one of these at home.
By the time I got home from work the boys were pooped. I had to beg them to roar for this picture. Gus is giving me a meow.
My sweet big boys.
The boys had a great time and were totally wiped at the end of the day. I'd call it a big success!